
28-Jul-2010 13:11

Can Ofcom help?

Will Ofcom’s intervention help to end the unfair supply of misleading information?

As most of us know from personal experience, we rarely receive the ‘advertised’ or promised broadband speeds.

Ofcom analysis shows that over 95% of consumers – both business and home users do not get advertised speeds.

More worryingly, analysis also seems to show increasing discrepancies between ISP claims & actual b/band speeds.

Apparently surveys show that “hardly any customers got the "up to" advertised speed.

In an effort to help, Ofcom is overhauling conduct codes for ISPs & their sales methods..

Will Ofcom’s intervention help to end the unfair supply of misleading information?

Who knows…?

What is certain is that there must now be strong official involvement, supervision and administration in the supply of a service which is now so central to our lives – both socially and for business.

What do you think?

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Contributed by SimplyFone Blogger on 29-Jul-2010 22:18
Too right Robert...

SimplyFone ''unlimited' packages are promoted as 'inclusive' packages & describe exactly what's on offer and at what price...

We believe in transparency and honesty at all times...

Contributed by Roberet Turner on 29-Jul-2010 22:17
The one that really bugs me are the companies (both broadband and telecomms) that shout very loudly about offering "Unlimited" downloads/access/services etc. - but then add the caveat "...subect to a fair usage policy..."

Advertising an unlimited service, that is in fact limited, is at least rather bad form, if not illegal/misleading.

- Robert
Contributed by Georgina W. on 29-Jul-2010 11:58

My broadband company promised me faster than my previous company.

After signing up to an 18 month contract, they admitterd they couldn't supply any faster than I previously had.

Wanted/tried to get out of the contract, but it proved such a hassle that I dropped it.

Bunch of rougues & snakeoil salesmen
Contributed by Mike Cummings on 28-Jul-2010 18:16
My b/b (am I allowed to say who...) is total c**p!

Promised really great speeds but actually receive rubbish..

& now they say I'm tied in a 18-month contract and just do not wanna know

Waste of space!

Angry Mike from Reading.
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