
24-Dec-2010 10:13

What’s your story?

Let’s face it - there’s nothing quite like a good story.

Whether you’re sitting through a business meeting, attending a presentation, listening to a celebratory address or simply chatting to a mate, ears perk up and minds click into gear whenever the word “story” makes an appearance.

So what is it about ‘a story’ that so catches our interest?

Well, an effectively-told & interesting story has the power to take a concept, a philosophy, and an idea and turn it into a breathing, colourful entity, giving it life and making it real.

Stories create connections.

In marketing & sales, promotion & advertising, the ‘story tool’ is potent and powerful. When you relate to people the story behind your product, your company and your services - they may just begin listening.

Create an intimate connection with your clients by giving them a real image of who you are via a story.

Convey to people the story behind what you do? What drives you, what motivates you? Perhaps how it all begin?

Tell your clients the history and your company mission and you will soon notice how people seem to connect to you and become increasingly ready to listen, focus and use your unique expertise and focus.

Tell your story; make your company and products come alive.

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Contributed by Selchouk Sami on 24-Dec-2010 13:12
Hi Norman

You are absolutely right about a good story.
It has the magic of connecting with people and they in turn pass it on.

Some people are just great at telling stories and conveying a message. They have the energy and drive to connect with the audience. With technology today you can use the web to connect as well in person by giving a presentation. Both play a very important part in marketing your story and creating a brand identity.

All the best


P.S. Ronnie C is a great story teller with his chair slot - he was on TV last night on BBC2. A comedy great along with Ronnie B. They created a brand for themselves which was identified by 2 thick framed glasses!
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