
19-Dec-2010 13:48

Do you check your company telephone bills?

This week Romanian authorities reportedly broke a cyber-telecom fraud ring.

Crooks were stealing confidential VoIP data by hacking into company servers.

The criminal ring headed by two Romanians & involving about 50 people then used the stolen data to make 10,000's of telephone calls to Premium Rate surcharged numbers which allowed them to get paybacks & hefty commissions on every call.

The fraud apparently accrued almost £10 million in losses to companies in the United States, Britain, South Africa, Italy and Romania.

Check your itemised telephone billing very carefully & if your provider does not send you full monthly or quarterly itemisations, insist that they do.

SimplyFone provide free itemised billing by email or post & a full call analysis to every client - business or residential.

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Contributed by Cornelis de Maijer on 21-Dec-2010 17:37
Great advice
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