
15-Jun-2015 10:14

08, 09, 118 Numbers - New Rules, Clearer Charges.

08, 09, 118 Numbers - New Rules, Clearer Charges.

When you make a telephone call to a service number - beginning 08, 09 or 118 - it’s not always clear how much it will cost.
From 1st July 2015 this will change.

Until now you may have noticed information like this:
“Calls cost 20p per minute from a BT landline. Other landlines may vary and calls from mobiles may cost considerably more.”

This makes it tough to know actual costs.

From 1 July 2015, the cost of calling service numbers will be made up of two parts:
• An ‘access charge’: This part of the call charge goes to your phone provider.
• A ‘service charge’: This is the rest of the call charge. The organisation you are calling decides this, and they will advise the cost.

These rules will apply to all consumer calls to 084, 087, 09 & 118 numbers.
The changes do not affect calls made to ordinary landline 01, 02, 03 or mobile 07 numbers. Neither do they affect calls made from payphones, International calls, or calls to the UK when roaming overseas.

For further information if required, please email:

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