
07-Oct-2011 12:12

Is the New iPhone 4s a Disappointment?

Last Tuesday Apple unveiled the new iPhone 4s & apparently rather disappointed many who were hoping for some decent technological advances.

Although not yet officially released, the biggest innovations & improvements are the fresh voice-command capability & vastly improved camera.

However, these are not enormous developments & may not warrant forking out lots of your hard-earned cash for this upgrade…

Apple does say the improved iPhone 4s will be available for use by networks in over 70 countries by 2012 and in truth that may be great for business users who travel extensively.

...and Apple's new voice-activated personal assistant software, they’ve name ‘Siri’ (where do they get these names?) may yet prove a hit among mobile users.

For the present however, if you've been waiting to try the iPhone platform, Apple just provided some inexpensive ways to do so - just, sadly, not with its newest phone.

So the jury really is out on this one and our view is that the increased cost of this latest version iPhone 4s may just put many people - other than real iPhone aficionados - off upgrading to this really quite disappointing release…


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Contributed by Graeme J Gibson on 10-Oct-2011 17:12
Saturday 15th October 2011

Headlines read : Millions Feel Duped

After taking millions of pre-orders for the new iPhone 4S, Apple faces monumental returns as fans are horrified by their disappointment and feel duped.

Queue's form around the block of many Apple Stores as people return their device for a full refund.

Back to the real world and not one occupied by Samsung, RIM and Android devices. They would all like to see the above story run if for no other reason they would like to achieve the same level of satisfaction ratings as Apple do year over year (top of the JD Power charts for five years in a row). They can't match Apple so they hope that Apple will try and match them...
Contributed by Ty "Mac-Head" Tyson on 10-Oct-2011 16:50
Yeah you are right.

It might be crap.

I'll let you know on Friday. :)
Contributed by Alan Rae on 10-Oct-2011 16:49
That in itself doesn't mean it's any good. it just means they have a million fans

You are of course right about the share price
Contributed by Ty "Mac-Head" Tyson on 10-Oct-2011 16:48
1 million sold within 24 hours...
Contributed by Jon Upton on 09-Oct-2011 21:13

I expect it in January would you launch your new flagship product an the same time as your much loved leader dies?

I don't think so.

Also new broadcast channel technology is due then


Contributed by SimplyFone Blogger on 09-Oct-2011 15:24
Excellent comments and opinion Graeme - thank you.

Contributed by Graeme J Gibson on 09-Oct-2011 15:18
In my opinion, I believe that the point is being missed by many.

We have been tracking the comments around the 'expected' iPhone 5 for months and as Ty has previously said, none of these were from Apple themselves but market speculators.

If you gather all the comments over those months there are only two things listed in the wish list of all the iPhone 5 rumours that are not in the iPhone 4S.

a) a change to the tear shape design

b) a larger screen

The iPhone 4S contains everything else 'claimed' to be coming in the 'awesome' iPhone 5...

My comments on the missing two features.
a) Tear shape body - Apple spent a lot of time talking about the new camera capabilities of the 4S along with the immense popularity of the exist iPhone 4 as a camera. I would suggest therefore that the camera is one of the important features of the iPhone.

Most people take pictures in landscape mode. If Apple had introduced a new teardrop design, I bet many would be complaining at how unbalanced the phone felt when taking pictures in this landscape mode. I know I would.

In addition, people love the iPhone4 shape, design and quality and the speed of pre-orders suggests that people are ordering the iPhone 4S in vast volumes. Those that wish to upgrade from the older 3GS (over half of the existing iPhone population who are now at the end of their two year contracts) and the 28% of Blackberry users and 11% of Android users claiming to move to the new iPhone in a recent InMobi US survey is a pretty impressive number of new sales.

b) Larger screen - I really don't know how important this would be. As a company that makes most of it's business through developing solutions for iPhone and iPad devices we would have hated the new screen with it's new dimensions that would need to be accommodated in our designs.

Making the screen larger would likely have involved moving away from the much love retina experience, as getting the larger size would have dropped the resolution. Finally, from a consumer perspective- do we really want a larger phone?

In my opinion the existing iPhone 4 design just feels right in the hand and is not noticeable in the pocket.

I for one am glad the screen size remains the same.

With Siri, iCloud integration, further camera improvements over an already impressive device [top camera (not just phone camera) submitting photos to services like Flickr], extra speed, games support, unparalleled battery life; how can the iPhone 4S be a disappointment?

Twitter : @appsherpas
Twitter : @illumieye
Contributed by Ty "Mac-Head" Tyson on 08-Oct-2011 22:30
AT&T has announced that the company experienced extraordinary demand for iPhone 4S with more than 200,000 preorders in the first 12 hours alone.

According to AT&T, iPhone 4S is the most successful iPhone launch AT&T has ever had.

AT&T said in a statement, "It's obvious customers like AT&T's 4G network, which is the only one that lets their iPhone download twice as fast and talk and surf simultaneously."

Source: AT&T Inc.

The disappointing iPhone 4S will outsell all those before it.
Contributed by Anthony Haley on 08-Oct-2011 22:29
Just ordered mine after 4 years with a Blackberry.
Got it free as part of an upgrade.
Contributed by Ty "Mac-Head" Tyson on 07-Oct-2011 14:00
This year was primarily a software annoncement

iOS 5 and iCloud are the differentiators that make the iOS platform unreachable by "competitors"

Hardware is secondary in the mobile space.

Existing iPhone users should be overjoyed that they can get iOS 5 and iCloud for FREE without need to hardware upgrade.

Those out of contract, or those who love the latest greatest - of which there are millions - will most likley get the new iPhone 4S.

Most importantly to Apple NEW customers will likely get the 4S.

Everyone is happy.

The nonsense about being disappointed by the non-release of a phone that only existed in the minds of those who A) Don't take notice of my ecademy Blogs and/or B) were desperate for hits on their tech websites, makes me laugh. :)

The iPhone 4S is an incredibly impressive bit of hardware in its own right, however the biggest announcements of iOS 5 and iCloud are beneficial to the whole iOS platform and this is fantastic news for everyone.

Apple is expected to add 120M iOS users in the next year to its already existing 250M users.
Contributed by SimplyFone Blogger on 07-Oct-2011 13:22
All very true Nic.

And for those who needed/wanted an improved camera, better screen, CPU and icloud capability this is actually pretty good.

For most, the decision is simply whether it warrants changing & upgrading your phone and for them, I reckon the answer is no..

Contributed by Nic Oliver on 07-Oct-2011 13:14
Don't know if it will be a disappointment as it's not available yet.

The "commentators' who were disappointed at the non-release of the iPhone 5 have missed 2 important things:

1. Apple never said at any time that they had an iPhone 5. It's hypocritical that the same commentators who hyped a non-existent product are now disappointed at its non-existence.

2. IOS 5 is a big step forward. It makes sense to bed down the new system before releasing a new phone. Otherwise, when things go wrong, confusion reigns as to whether the new phone or the OS is at fault!

Have a great weekend, Norman

Blessings, Light, Love and Peace


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Contributed by Steve Hall on 07-Oct-2011 12:26
Interesting thoughts - here the local press have waxed lyrical about the camera upgrade. Apparently (and I have NOT used it) the quality is superb and the apps aleady available make it a winner. The price might put people off upgrading but the whole "package" will no doubt encourage millions to buy Apple. (Voice-commands? My jury is out!)
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