12-Jul-2011 17:33
Phew - Cheque Payments are Safe...
The fairly recently announced plans in 2009 to scrap cheques for bill payments from 2018 have been dropped after the ‘UK Payments Council’ admitted there was no alternative or preferred paper-payment method..
The UK Payments Council, a joint council representing all the major banks, said cheques will continue for as long as people require them.
Work was begun on an alternative paper-based system but the council said it has now decided that this is no longer the best option and "retaining the cheque is a far better approach".
The (ridiculous!) decision to scrap cheques was met with waves of criticism from, amongst others, small businesses, charities and pensioner lobby groups, who accused the banks of ignoring the needs of many millions of vulnerable people.
Michelle Mitchell, charity director at Age UK, said: "We are delighted that the Payments Council has listened to the many people who said how difficult the loss of cheques would be for them. This is a vital first step that will help many older people."
Another success for common sense, but the original decision somewhat symptomatic of meddling and unreasonable committees…
Have these people no real jobs to do?
Although I appreciate there is still a genuine need for cheques, the sooner a viable and more immediate alternative can be found for the gap which cheques fill, the better. Perhaps it will take 100% Internet usage and the current generation(s) of pensioners to die off before that can happen?
Anna Figiel
Great blog highlighting 'realism' for so many of us 'living longer' peeps.
Besides which, when else would you practice your best handwriting on a regular basis?.
Long Live great handwriting on cheques!
Go Sparkle On Tuesday Norman!. C :-) X
Almost certainly yes...
Otherwise, fraud would become rampant.
They actually looked at a paper alternate to cheques?
Like what? Paper money?